Our Mission is to create a leading National Club that provides premium class of MINI Brand support. We encourage the growth of enthusiasm for our Team and Culture, providing a truly interactive experience for our Family of MINI enthusiasts...
A national MINI club that does not settle for anything less than fun! We are not here to replace your local club, but rather assist it in all it's club needs! By joining this national club you will get access to national events, an exclusive merch store and rebates on new MINI purchases! Want to see more? Take a look
Any MINI or mini owner that is all about that lifestyle. You know what we are talking about! Living that MINI life all day, every day. For those that want to be apart of something not so mini, but big! Those that are true MINIacs! We also want to work with the Clubs directly as well as any Vendors & Sponsors
This awesome club is coming really soon! If you are at MTTS 2022, you can talk to us at our tent at each stage of the entire event! For now, we are taking pre-registration for members and as soon as we are ready, you will be the first to know!